Welcome to Hope and Play
At Hope and Play, we believe that every child has the right to safely play, learn and grow in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. We are an organisation dedicated to helping add hope and play to the lives of children who are denied these most basic rights.
We do this by building playgrounds so they can have places to play safely, by buying textbooks, laptops, and other educational materials to help create opportunities and give them hope in a future that they can have some control over. We work with local communities and organisations to get these to the right people and places. We will also occasionally undertake specific peaceful and legal actions to support them where there is an immediate humanitarian need.
Our first areas of operation are the villages and refugee camps under occupation in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip. We are currently also looking at Bangladesh.
Our goal is to inject more hope and fun into these children’s lives, especially where much of the environment around them may deny them both. If you believe this is important, please feel free to support by donations or by emailing us with fundraising ideas or support for a children’s initiative in our areas of operation.
Hope and Play is a UK registered charity, and our charity number is 1125609.
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