This page is for private or individual donations. If you’re donating on behalf of a company or have run a fundraiser or would just prefer a direct bank transfer, email us at [email protected] for direct bank transfer instructions.
Other ways to donate
Credit / Debit CardRegular GivingPayPalGive As You EarnCharities Aid FoundationStewardshipCheque
Please go to our donation site, which is managed for us by The Charities Aid Foundation. You can also Gift Aid your donation here if you are eligible.
We love and put all donations to good use. But regular donations are the best as they guarantee ongoing projects.
You can set up a monthly donation to us through our page on the Charities Aid Foundation site. Once there, choose the option entitled “I’d like to give regularly”.
You can donate using your credit or debit cards through PayPal. This will open in a new page. You cannot use Gift Aid for these donations.
“Payroll giving” allows you to make a regular donation from your salary before tax is deducted. This is tax efficient for you, and gives us a top up from her majesty’s government. To do this,
- Ask your employer if they offer payroll giving (sometimes called “Give As You Earn (GAYE)”). If they don’t, suggest they look at this as it is a tax efficient way for employees to give to charity. Details are on the CAF website.
- Complete the donor instruction form from your employer, and give it to your payroll department. It’s very easy to complete. The bits you need from us are:
- Charity name: Hope and Play;
- Address: 42 York Street, Twickenham TW1 3BW;
- Commission number: 1125609;
- Sponsorship number: leave blank.
- Check if your employer operates an employer matching scheme, where they either match your donation or top it up themselves. Ask that they do this for your donations if it is on offer.
If you have a Charities Aid Foundation account, you can donate to us by any of the many ways they allow you to do this. The details you may need are as follows:
- Charity name: Hope and Play;
- Address: 42 York Street, Twickenham TW1 3BW;
- Commission number: 1125609.
Some of our most regular donors do it through Stewardship. If you want to use Stewardship, you will need the following details:
- Charity name: Hope and Play;
- Address: 42 York Street, Twickenham TW1 3BW;
- Commission number: 1125609;
- Our sovereign account number: 20106374.
If none of the above work for you and you’d like to donate the good ole’ fashioned way with a cheque, please email us for details. Please DON’T send a cheque by post to the charity address, as our mail handlers will not be able to deal with it.
For every £10 you donate