Archives for Fundraisers - Page 3
Make your child’s birthday even more special – by holding it in Gaza
Here's how Umar, a 1 year old Londoner, held his birthday party in Gaza - giving 35 kids an unforgettable day and Umar some very special keepsakes for when he…
Dispatch: Hope in Gaza
Journalists to cover Hope and Play Projects in Gaza Two journalists with a track record of publication in major media outlets such as Time magazine are heading out to Gaza…
Glaswegian Bring and Buy Sale Nets over £2,500 for Gaza’s Children
Mandy got in touch with us at the end of July, and innocuously announced that she was organising a bring and buy sale in Glasgow to support Gaza's traumatised children…
Emergency Fundraising for Traumatised Children in Gaza
You cannot but have seen the harrowing images of what Gaza's population is suffering right now. As always, the brunt of the impact is on the children. With over 60%…
220m Headlong Dive Raises over £3,000 for Traumatised Kids
How far would you go to help traumatised children in Gaza get a start in education? Well, Saskia, one of our trustees, decided she could only go 220 metres. Not…
Nadia’s Tea Party Raises Nearly £900 for Traumatised Children
Nadia got in touch with us through our Facebook page. She'd seen our request for help to fundraise for an educational programme for 500 traumatised children in Gaza and decided…
Farah and Bradley Celebrate their Wedding With a Gift of Love to Ain El Hilweh
There are not many acts of love greater than dedicating one's life to another in marriage. But Farah and Bradley have expanded this circle of love by asking people to…
Cycle London to Paris with us in June for Gaza’s Children
We will be cycling from London to Paris on June 17th to 19th this year in aid of children's projects in Gaza. These rides have always been hugely fun, but…
London to Amsterdam Ride Raises over £30,000 for Disabled Children in Gaza
So our London to Paris cycle ride this year was actually to Amsterdam. Though it would have been somewhat churlish to rename it just for one year's idiosyncrasy. Especially as…
Dubai to London for Gaza’s Handicapped Children
In May, June and July of 2010, Wissam Al Jayoussi rode his Harley Davidson over 40,000 km, crossed over 30 national boundaries from Dubai to London. He did this to…