There are not many acts of love greater than dedicating one’s life to another in marriage. But Farah and Bradley have expanded this circle of love by asking people to celebrate their marriage with a gift to the children of Ain Al Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon.

Farah and Bradley, whose wedding was in June, asked their guests to give a much bigger present of love than most people do when getting married. They asked them to donate to the creation of a reading facility for the children of Ain Al Helweh refugee camp. And they raised £1,710 for this. £1,710 of education born through love and heading to the children in Ain Al Helweh. Thank you Farah and Bradley – you are a rare couple, and I’m sure everyone here, as well as in Ain El Helweh, wishes you a long and happy marriage.

Staff at UNRWA have kindly offered their help and are currently working on making this facility a reality. We will report on this as the project progresses.
