2007 Cycle Ride from London to Paris raises £11,000
On 14th September, 18 of us, some stupidly fit, others just stupid, set out from Southwark Bridge in London on bicycles on a sponsored ride to Paris in aid of Hope and Play. 192 miles and several hills later, we rolled in to Paris. The elite group ended the ride at the Eiffel Tower (where else), the not-quite-as-elite group at Gare du Nord (needing food rather than site seeing), and the not-elite-by-any-stretch-of-the-imagination group ended up at Notre Dame catherdral. We have to date raised just over £11,000 from this event, which will fund the building of 2 playgrounds.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all participants in the ride and to all our generous sponsors and donors.

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