Emergency Fundraising for Traumatised Children in Gaza
You cannot but have seen the harrowing images of what Gaza’s population is suffering right now. As always, the brunt of the impact is on the children. With over 60% of Gaza’s population being younger than 18, and most of those younger than 10, the impact in terms of deaths, maiming, orphaning and trauma is shocking.
It is against this context that we launched our 500 Futures programme. The goal is to reach traumatised children in Gaza, 500 at a time, with 4 month projects to help bring them back into mainstream education and society.
Here’s a video where we presented this project at a recent philanthropic event. We raised just over £6,000 at this event, hosted by The Funding Network.
We started this project prior to the current bombardment of Gaza. We have delivered the first one in 5 communities in Gaza, 100 children in each. We’re now looking to deliver the next phase once the current attacks on Gaza are over.
The projects last 4 months, with 8 workshops per month in each location, focussing on their current studies and their ability to study on a longer term basis. This is no small task, as for most, concentration beyond a minute may be a challenge, and any noise enough to trigger anxiety or panic.
We have also just delivered funding for an emergency trauma project for 1500 children in the North of Gaza, where the land invasion came. The focus here has been on food, clothing, play, education, therapy and family support.
Please support these trauma programmes by going to our donate page and donating through one of the many mechanisms available.

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